Splashtop is one of my remote access tools I can use to help manage your servers and workstations. I have two ways for you to install this tool:
Click on this link and follow the directions
Link: BCI Client Deployment
You must be an administrator (or have administrator credentials) to install this application.
I have configured the following options in the remote access streamer:
- Autolaunch the streamer when the computer starts
- Check for updates
- Require a user login when connecting
- Lock screen when disconnecting
- Output sound to remote connection
You may change these settings at any time. There is also an uninstaller application included with the streamer to remove the streamer from your system.
If you have any questions, please call +1-951-254-BEHR (2347) or email Kent@bci.com.
If you would like me to perform the install, please open a help desk ticket at https://behrconsulting.zendesk.com