These are a set of links I use all the time. They may also be useful for others.
- BCI Support - BCI Home Page
- BCI Support - Remote Access
- BCI Support - Skype me!
- Dev - CSS3 Top 10 most useful generators
- Hosting - A2 Hosting - my web hosting provider
- Hosting - BlueHost Web Hosting
- Hosting - IX Web Hosting - If you need a windows based server
- Macintosh - Xbench - Macintosh benchmarking tool
- Mail - - Test for mail open relay
- Mail - DKIM and SPF Testing
- Mail - MXToolbox - dns, whois, blacklist, smtp testing, spf records, etc...
- Mail - MXtoolbox SMTP Ping tool - Returns great information about your mail
- Mail - SMS to eMail gateways - By carrier, keep messages short :)
- Mail - SPF Wizard - Generate an SPF record for your domain
- Network - Default Passwords - for Network Equipment
- Network - DNS Goodies - Whois, DNS Query, OpenRelay check, SPAM db check, Show IP, more...
- Network - DSL Reports (Tools, Speed Tests) - Check speed of you Internet connection
- Network - Geo Locates an IP address - using InfoSniper
- Network - HTTP Traceing - HTTP server response
- Network - IPv6 Tools - Tools for testing your IPv6 implementation
- Network - - Dynamic DNS, Backup MX, SPAM Filtering, more...
- Network - - Free Network Time Protocol servers at
- Network - OpenDNS - Free and fast DNS with content filtering
- Network - - Determine the quality of your Internet connection
- Network - Well Known TCP/UDP Ports from
- Server - BackupPC - Backup Software Solution (free)
- Server - htaccess and .htpasswd building tools
- Storage - Dropbox - Cloud File Storage
- Windows - NovaBench - Windows benchmarking tool